Monday, February 21, 2011

Hello boys and girls, mad scenes, and trinkwasser. Oh my!

So, life after college from student teaching to Europe.

Student teaching; it wasn't easy but it wasn't hard. I student taught in the Orville City School district with some of the most amazing music teachers ever. They teach through the Kodaly method, which is an awesome way to teach music. (I suggest you look it up and learn about it. It will blow your mind!) I enjoyed doing student teaching and I enjoyed my students but it was a learning experience for sure. I never knew how scary it was to teach until my very first time leading a choir and conducting a general music classroom. However, my mentor got me through it. She is by far one of the best teachers/mentors I have ever come across. She and I still keep in touch. "Hello boys and girls" :)

So, I finished student teaching and was "done" with college. However, I hung around Canton and still sang with the chorale because we were going to Europe! So, the next couple of months after student teaching were fluff months. I worked at the movie theatre and earned money for Europe. I Played basically around Canton. I grew during this time. I grew as a singer and as a person. I was in my second major opera, I was in Opera Cleveland's production of Lucia di Lammermoor. I loved doing that show. I sang with some of the best singers in Ohio. Here is a photo of me during the "mad scene". The mad scene is the most famous scene from this opera.

I also got into a major car accident. Basically I was sandwiched between a semi-truck and a pick-up truck. The worse was what happened to my trunk.

Then finally after everything that happened during those fluff months I got to go to Europe with my Chorale!
The best trip I have ever taken. I loved every second of it.
The best city we stayed in was Hallstatt, Austria. It was a beautiful little town on one of Austria's biggest lakes. We actually got to sing at the church in this photo.

I had a good couple of fluff months and I had fun. I got to do some of the most amazing things during those months. I will always have the memories of student teaching, the opera, and Europe.

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