Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Will you?

This song makes me happy and gets me through my days when I am feeling down about anything. Just simply put: I will sing.

Life after college.
I was just talking with a friend how we miss the simplicities of college life. We miss being around our friends. We miss how we could see each other on a regular basis and just hang out whenever we wanted. So, I ask will you remember that? Or if you are in college do you just want to get out? Well I will say right now that the year or so after college is a strange place for a recent graduate. You are thinking "Now what?" Well you move on with your life that's what. Time stands still for no one. The friends that you made will come and go. The ones that you stay in touch with over the years are the ones that you will remain your friends and it is a two way street. However, there is a joy in the uncertainty of this "post" graduate feeling. What is that joy? Well THE UNCERTAINTY. We can make new friends. Move to different places. Reminisce with our old friends. We make our own adventure. That is the joy. UNCERTAINTY. I mean yes it can be a little stressful but so what?! Life isn't easy. There is a quote from t.v. show that I like to say (if you can tell me the t.v. show I will be absolutely shocked)
"It's time take chances, make mistakes, and get messy!"
I mean come on right? We, as post graduates, are in the prime of our life! We may have to pay bills, find jobs, or even (gasp) make new friends but our memories of college and our friends will never fade. It is time to make new memories!

I had a blast in college and made some awesome friends, who will continue to be an awesome.(LR)I met some awesome people. I have some awesome memories.

OK I am off my high horse. I leave you with something completely random and completely me. I wish I were a colatura soprano simply so I could sing this aria.

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